I have had a lot going on the beginning of this year. I have taken a lot of time out to write. I have several co-writes scheduled in March. I am also going to be in the studio soon to record new music. I am hoping that I will be able to release a newContinue Reading
Thank you
As this year comes to a close, I wanted to thank you all! Thank you for such a great year! This year wouldn’t have been anything without all of you! I hope that you know how much it means to me to have so many supporters! I can’t wait to see what 2020 has inContinue Reading
New Merch
I have new merchandise available for y’all! I have added Gray Shirts, Gray Hoodies, Pop Sockets, and new 8×10 Photos. Click on Shop and take a look.
Radio Tour
I am so excited that I will be doing a radio tour for my song Do It For A Boy! I am visiting radio stations all over talking about anything and everything. You never know what kind of discussions will come out of these visits. I will keeping you up to date on stations thatContinue Reading
Do It For A Boy Music Video

It’s here!!! Do It For A Boy Official Music Video is here!!! I can’t wait for y’all to see it. I absolutely loved making this video. Thank you to my team for making this happen. Thank you to my friends for being in it and helping make this video come to life. Thank you toContinue Reading
Nine North Records
I am super excited to announce that I am now a Nine North Records Artist! I can not wait to see where this road is going to take me. I have a lot of exciting things in the works. I can not wait to share everything with y’all once they all become finalized.
Radio Single Release
I am so excited to let y’all know that I am releasing ‘Do if For a Boy’ to radio!!! It will be released on April 23rd. I am so excited to see where this song goes. I will also be doing a radio tour soon after the song is released. We are going to bookContinue Reading
Exciting Upcoming News
I am so excited about some thing in the works. I am busy working on getting some things finalized for spring/summer. Keep watch, I will be releasing some information very soon!
Thank you for a great year!
Thank you all so very much for a great 2018! I have had a wonderful year thanks to each and every one of you. I am so thankful for being able to release my very first EP album, have a single play on radio stations across the US and Canada, be nominated for so manyContinue Reading
Musicians On Call
I am honored to announce that I am officially a volunteer artist with Musicians On Call! This is such a great organization to be a part of. I am a firm believer that music heals. I am so glad that I have a chance to sing and have my music help heal. As of rightContinue Reading